Privacy Policy


At Generator Group Ltd. (a company that is incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 10961067 and whose registered office and trading address is Generator Group of Companies, Townfield House, 27-29 Townfield Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1QL) we regard your privacy as important. This Privacy policy explains how we collect and process information which identifies you or from which you can be identified (‘personal data’) and how we will ensure that this is done within the requirements good practice and applicable law, including, without limitation, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) (‘GDPR’) and the UK Data Protection Act 2018 (‘DPA’) together with other applicable UK and EU laws that regulate the collection, processing and privacy of personal data (together referred to in this policy as, ‘Data Protection Law’).

The information we collect about you, if you agree to provide it, will allow us to contact you and send information to you about our products and/or services where you have registered an interest. In providing us your information you consent to us processing it for this purpose.

It is our standard business practice to work with appointed sales agents at our developments who market and sell our properties on our behalf. Your personal data will only be passed to them with your explicit consent. We do not share your personal data with third parties unless you have given us your explicit consent.

By visiting our website and completing any of the consent processes (i.e. subscribing to a service and/or providing your contact information), you accept and consent to the practices defined in this privacy policy.

For the purposes of the GDPR, Generator Group Ltd is a data controller.

This Privacy policy applies to all customers, prospective customers and members of the public.

Data Protection Lead

We are not required to have a Data Protection Officer, so any enquires about your personal data should be sent to:

Information that we may Collect From You

We may collect and/or process the following data about you:

  • Information you provide to us. By filling in forms on our site website or by entering into a contract with us, or by correspondence with us by email, letter, phone or other methods, which includes data provided by you by registering to use our website, or by subscribing to our newsletters or other information services, or completing enquiry forms, surveys or feedback forms and when reporting a problem with our website, or otherwise contacting us.

Information you provide us will depend on the relationship you have with us. If you are enquiring about buying a property from us the personal data you may provide us will include your name, address, contact numbers and a personal email address. If you are purchasing a new property from us, we may collect information relating to your identity, financial status and mortgage provider.

If you are a joint purchaser and you give us personal data about another person you must tell them and ask them to read this policy. If you are buying one of our properties jointly with another person, we may share your personal data with the other purchaser.

  • Personal data. The information you give us may include; your name, address, email address, IP address, telephone number, the area you live in together with financial information. Financial information may include details of your IFA, mortgage provider etc. All of which is personal data and subject to the GDPR.
  • Communication data. Includes emails, records of conversations etc.
  • Data protection. All personal data we hold is protected by us in accordance with the Principles (Article 5) of the GDPR. We have in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being used, accessed, altered or disclosed in an unauthorised way or accidentally lost. We also limit access to your personal data to personnel who have a business need to know it. They will only process your personal data in accordance with our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.
  • Information we collect about you. With regards to your use of our website information may be collected automatically and comprises the following;
  • Technical information. E.g. your internet protocol (IP) address, login data, time zone settings and location, browser plug-in types and version, device information (operating system and platform);
  • Information about your visit. E.g. your Uniform Resource Locators (URL), including the date and time, what you searched for and viewed (including the words you searched for); site response times, downloads, errors, page visit time length, interaction (scrolling, clicks, mouse-overs), exit methods away from pages, route to our site from other websites, with the address of other sites, or from search engine links to our site including search engine address and search term used;
  • Information we receive from other sources. Information about you may be received by us if you use another website or service that we operate;
  • Third-parties may also provide information to us about you, specifically from any of the following; our business partners and/or sub-contractors or credit reference agencies for payment and delivery services, or advertising and marketing services, or our technical and analytics providers, or our search engine and search information providers. An example of this may be information supplied to us about by an appointed sales agent at one of our developments.

How Your Information Is Used

The information we hold about you is used as follows:

Information that You Provide to us

This information is used to meet our obligations within any contracts between you and us e.g., during the sale of a property to you by us, as requested by you and:

  • to meet your requests for information, and/or products and services e.g. our current developments and the properties that you are interested in; or
  • to notify you of changes to our products or services; or
  • make suggestions/recommendations that may interest you e.g. information about upcoming developments; or
  • to improve content of our site and ensure it is presented effectively for you and your device;
  • to investigate any suspected breach in the terms of use or the breach of other terms and conditions otherwise relating to you and to monitor compliance or to prevent or detect fraud.

Information that we Collect About You

We use this information to:

  • Manage and protect the business and this website as well as for our legitimate interests, which includes analysis, research, statistical and survey uses, together with testing and troubleshooting, reporting and hosting of data;
  • Improve our website and content for users and their devices and to manage customer relationships and experiences;
  • Allow you to interact with our website and take advantage of our online services, whenever you may elect to do so;
  • Ensure our site is safe and secure by monitoring activities within the context of continual process improvement, which is a best practice requirement of the GDPR;
  • Monitor advertising and marketing effectiveness for users, and/or to fine-tune advertising by relevance to users;
  • Enable targeted suggestions/recommendations to users about products and services that may be of interest; and
  • Comply with any legal obligation to which we are subject e.g. during any duty we have to investigate a complaint made against us.

Information we Receive from Other Sources

We may use third-party information, which may be combined with information you provided to us and/or information collected by us, which may be used for the purposes we have defined above e.g. information that is shared with us by our appointed sales agents on developments you have expressed interest in.

Personal Data that may be Disclosed by us

There may be circumstances where we may disclose your personal data to a third party. This will only take place in accordance with Data Protection Law and for the purposes set out in this policy. Circumstances may include:

  • Appointed sales agents during the process of you enquiring to buy a property from us or us selling a property to you;
  • Third party service providers and consultants to protect the security and integrity of our business including our databases and systems and for reasons of business continuity;
  • Another legal entity, on a temporary or permanent basis, for the purposes of a joint venture, collaboration, financing, sale, merger, reorganisation, change of legal form, dissolution or similar event. In the case of a merger or sale your personal data will be transferred permanently to a successor company;
  • Legal advisers to manage or litigate a claim or process the sale of a property;
  • Public authorities (e.g. regulators, tax authorities etc.) where we are required to do so; and
  • Any third party where you have given your consent.

Retaining your Personal Data

We will only retain your personal data for as long as it is necessary to support our relationship with you, to meet our legal obligations and to meet other requirements set out in this policy.

Information you provide us when requesting information about new developments may be retained for up to three years as some developments may take that long to market and complete. If you purchase of a property from us, we will retain your personal data (your name, address, contact details and details of the warranty on the property you purchased) for up to 12 years from the date of purchase. We will retain purchase and sales contract information for the same period.

We may keep your data for longer if we are not able to delete it for any legal or regulatory reason.

Know Your Rights

Under the GDPR all individuals, who are the owners of their personal data, have specific and clear rights, which are:

GDPR: Individual RightsDescription
Right to ErasureEvery individual has the right the right to be forgotten upon request. The data controller must remove your personal data from its systems and request the same of any third-party systems of that controller. If you which to this email us at stating that this is what you require us to do.
Right to AccessEvery individual has the right to access the personal data held about them upon request. You may do this by making a Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) and the process for doing this may be found below.
Right to PortabilityEvery individual has the right to request their personal data and use it for other parties they wish to engage with.
Right to be InformedEvery individual has the right to be informed about how their personal data is being used, which may be provided upon your request, or before the data controller changes any use of that data, giving you the right to consent or object.
Right to ObjectionYou have the right to object to the use of your personal data for any purpose proposed by us as data controller.
Right to RectificationIf you discover your data is incorrect, you have the right to have errors in your personal data corrected.
Right to RestrictYou have the right to restrict the uses of your personal data for any specific type of processing.
Rights on automated decisions and profilingYou have the right to restrict or object to automated decision-making processes or profiling based on your personal data. For the avoidance of doubt the Generator Group does not use automated decisions and profiling technology.

Should you have any questions about how we process your personal data or have a complaint in relation to how we process your personal data please refer to the contact details at the end of the policy.

You also have the right to complain to the supervisory authority directly which in the UK is the Information Commissioner’s Office. You will find details of how to do this at

Data Subject Access Request (DSAR)

In accordance with the GDPR you may request that we send you details of any personal data that we may hold about you, you may request that we correct any errors that you find, and you may request to delete any/all personal data we hold about you.

DSAR fee

In accordance with the GDPR, any DSAR is provided free of charge within 30 days of your request being made unless a DSAR is subject to other regulatory requirements as defined within the GDPR, in which case we will inform you as required by those specific regulations.


For any questions relating to your personal data, or to submit a DSAR, please contact Letters should be addressed to:

Generator Group of Companies

Townfield House

27-29 Townfield Street

Chelmsford, CM1 1QL

We may be contacted by telephone on 020 7426 5555.

Third-Party Policies

Generator Group Ltd. is only responsible for its own privacy policy. Our website may include links to or from other websites, such as our partners, advertisers or other affiliated organisations. Each of these websites is required under the GDPR to provide users with access to their privacy policy. Please check their privacy policies before you submit any personal data to any third-party websites.

We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the privacy policies of any third-party.

Privacy Policy Change Control

Any changes that we may make to this privacy policy will be posted on this website page. Please check this page at regular intervals to ensure that you are aware of updates or changes to this privacy policy.

We reserve the right to notify any/all registered users of our services of any major change to our policies by email, except for users that have elected to opt out from communications with us or have revoked their consent for us to communicate with them.


We endeavour to protect your personal data by all commercially reasonable steps. You should be aware that transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure and we cannot guarantee the security of your personal data transmitted to our website. Once received we will take reasonable steps to keep your personal data secure, however any transmission of your personal data to us via our website is done at your own risk.


If any provision in this privacy policy is found to be invalid or unenforceable by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction, it will not affect the remaining provisions of this policy and they shall remain in full force and effect. This policy is subject to the laws of England and Wales and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdictions of the English courts.

Contact Details

If you have any questions, queries or complaints about this policy or wish to contact us about your personal data, please contact: Letters should be addressed to:

Generator Group of Companies, Townfield House, 27-29 Townfield Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1QL

We may be contacted by telephone on 020 7426 5555.


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